The ACCME (the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education) defines Joint Providership as “the providership of a CME activity by one accredited and one nonaccredited organization.”*
PeerPoint offers Joint Providership to organizations providing medical education to doctors and other professionals that require CME in order to maintain their various certifications.
Unlike most other Joint Providers, PeerPoint focuses solely on the accreditation of our clients educational materials and does not compete with them by offering other continuing medical education. You, our client, always come first.
We serve our clients by providing the best information, education, and tools to support our joint partners. In addition, our experienced associates have extensive experience in providing continuing medical education. We know what you do and how to help you be successful!
In addition, we constantly seek out new information in the ever changing world of certification to advise you on up to date practices, such as the new Surgery Maintenance of Certification Self-Assessment requirements and the Psychiatry Maintenance of Certification with Performance Improvement and Self-Assessment.
*©2012 ACCME All Rights Reserved