PeerPoint Accreditation Manual
- Intro to PeerPoint and Adult Learning
- Intro to ACCME
- Documentation and Information Requirements for CME Accreditation
- The CME BackOffice Application – Logistics
- Accreditation Checklist
- Disclosure by Presenter/Author
- Disclosure and Review of Financial Relationships
- Education Planning
- Evaluation
- Processes for the disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships and Resolution of Potential Conflicts of Interests.
- Appendix A: Standards for Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education℠
- Appendix B: Glossary and Terms
- Content Review and Validation Process for Accreditation
- Content Validation Criteria
- Review of Financial Relationship for Potential Conflict of Interest
- Team and Agenda Manager Process
- Conflict of Interest Sample Resolution Form
1. All accredited continuing medical education activities must be developed independent of commercial interests. All phases of planning, creating and presenting the activity must be free of commercial bias, including identifying practice gaps, educational needs and objectives, selection and presentation of content, choice of planners and presenters. In addition, an ineligible company may not take the role of a non-accredited partner in joint-providership. (Link to ACCME Standard Identify, Mitigate, and Disclose Relevant Financial Relationships).
2. Each person who may be in a position to control the content of an accredited activity must make a disclosure of all “relevant financial relationships”, that is that any relationship that occurred within the previous 24 months. A refusal to disclose this information disqualifies the individual from participating in the planning, creation or presentation of the content. (Link to ACCME Standard Prevent Commercial Bias).
3. Any person who may be in control of content that makes a disclosure of a relevant financial relationship, must have the potential conflict of interest resolved by a mechanism provided by the CME Accreditor. Please note: any participant that may be in a position to control content must have the conflict of interest resolved prior to participation in the activity. For example, a planner or member of the planning committee with a relevant financial relationship must have that potential conflict of interest resolved prior to participating in any planning activity. The same hold true for any other phase of the activity.