Intro to PeerPoint and Adult Learning

PeerPoint Accreditation Manual

Peerpoint’s Mission

PeerPoint Medical Education Institute has as its mission to improve the competence and performance of physicians, and to improve patient outcomes. PeerPoint accomplishes this mission through a process of education, mentoring, collaborating and data collection with our joint providers, in the context of an overall program that fosters improvement.

In addition, PeerPoint provides a framework that is intentionally flexible to allow for innovation and creativity while ensuring rigor and high-quality content. The framework consists of technical infrastructure designed by PeerPoint, in and includes a business process that is highly efficient and encourages joint providers to deliver needed content within the limits of their resources without sacrificing compliance or quality.

PeerPoint’s expectation is that the participants in the medical education produced by the collaboration with joint providers will show through data collection or self-reporting that physician competence and performance have improved, as have patient outcomes.

Instructional Design for Learner Impact

Malcolm Knowles, a pioneer in the study of adult learning, observed that adults learn best when:

  • They understand why something is important to know or do.
  • They have the freedom to learn in their own way.
  • Learning is experiential.​
  • The time is right for them to learn.
  • The process is positive and encouraging.
“An objective is a description of a performance you want learners to be able to exhibit before you consider them competent. An objective describes an intended result of instruction.” (Mager, Preparing Instructional Objectives 1984)

Learning objectives are those expected actions that learners can accomplish or do AFTER receiving the planned education. Examples of good learning objectives begin with an explicit  verb and may include conditions of performance; for example:

  • Describe the three methods of incision closure.
  • Demonstrate . . .
  • Apply . . . .

Avoid using terms such as “understand” which can be interpreted very broadly.