PeerPoint Accreditation Manual
- Intro to PeerPoint and Adult Learning
- Intro to ACCME
- Documentation and Information Requirements for CME Accreditation
- The CME BackOffice Application – Logistics
- Accreditation Checklist
- Disclosure by Presenter/Author
- Disclosure and Review of Financial Relationships
- Education Planning
- Evaluation
- Processes for the disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships and Resolution of Potential Conflicts of Interests.
- Appendix A: Standards for Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education℠
- Appendix B: Glossary and Terms
- Content Review and Validation Process for Accreditation
- Content Validation Criteria
- Review of Financial Relationship for Potential Conflict of Interest
- Team and Agenda Manager Process
- Conflict of Interest Sample Resolution Form
Documents needed to attain CME Accreditation:
Please Note: All reviewed presentation materials must be submitted prior to the beginning of a live activity or the live date of an enduring material. Clinical Education Abstracts and Research Abstracts, at least, must be submitted before accreditation. If actual presentations are available prior to accreditation, they may be submitted in lieu of Clinical Education Abstracts and Research Abstracts.
Application and Team and Agenda Manager
- Application: all information filled.
- Team and Agenda Manager – Planner, medical editors, staff and management: Complete information concerning all planners, medical editors, staff and management. Note: all relevant financial relationships must be reviewed prior to an individual beginning working on education activity.
- Team and Agenda Manager – Presenters/Authors: Complete information on all presenters and authors, including first and last name, role for the activity, email address, topic title of their activity and duration of the activity. Note: all relevant financial relationships must be reviewed prior presenting information at the educational activity.
- Agenda: Describe the activities and the amount of time for each activity so that PeerPoint can determine the amount of CME to award. A PDF copy of the activity agenda to determine CME credits, uploaded in the attachments section of the activity in the CME BackOffice.
- Bios: A short bio (2 to 3 sentences) for each presenter listing their credentials. A bio includes degrees, other certifications (boards, etc.) and current position. Bios should be contained in one document and uploaded to the CME Back Office.
- Reviewed Clinical Education Abstracts: A Clinical Education Abstract outlines a presentation involving clinical medicine based on evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine as adequate justification for their indications and contraindication in the care of patients.
- Brief description of a topic that outlines the content to be conveyed. These describe the narrative content of an educational activity which provides the foundation for the development of a detailed presentation.
- Each topic should address one or more specific practice gap(s), the desired outcome of the topic in terms of improved physician knowledge, competence, performance or patient outcome. The topic description should also address the educational need and learning objective that address the practice gap.
- Reviewed Research Abstracts: A Research Abstract addresses a presentation involving scientific research referred to and reported or used in CME in support or justification of a patient care recommendation must conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection, and analysis.
- Brief description of a topic that outlines the content to be conveyed. These describe the narrative content of an educational activity which provides the foundation for the development of a detailed presentation.
- All Research Abstracts must contain a minimum of 2 citations from recognized, peer-reviewed journals. If the citation is an article written by the presenter of the topic, at least one other author is required for the peer-reviewed article.
Documents needed immediately after Accreditation:
- Marketing or advertising brochure: A copy of one marketing brochure containing the Accreditation and Designation Statements.
- Screen Capture: A screen capture of the educational activity website containing the Accreditation and Designation Statements and Disclosure Report or a hyperlink to the report. The screen capture must also include the URL of the page.
Documents Due 30 days prior to the Start/Live Date:
- Presentations/PPTs for Topics discussing non-FDA approved, experimental, or controversial treatments: must be submitted for PeerPoint Review. Upon receipt of the Topic Descriptions (see above) PeerPoint will notify you if any Presentations/PPTs are required for PeerPoint Review.
- Educational activity program or link to an electronic application (app): A single copy of the educational activity program in PDF format or a link to the electronic application (app). The activity program or application must contain the Accreditation and Designation Statements along with the Disclosure Report provided by PeerPoint. Note: please see publication requirements.
- PowerPoint Slides: A copy of all PowerPoint slides presentations. If the PowerPoint slides are contained in the educational program, they do not have to be uploaded separately.
- Handouts: Copies of all handouts not included in the educational activity program are uploaded in a single file.
- Reading/Case Studies: A copy of all Reading/Case Studies is uploaded in a single file. If the Reading/Case Studies are contained in the program book, they do not have to be uploaded separately.